
dijous, 28 de febrer del 2013

Citizen Science: Public to join cancer hunt

A group of scientifics are teaming up to come up with ways to let the general public hunt for cures of cancer. Cancer Research UK along with google and facebook, is trying to get people to search for mutations in DNA which lead to cancer. There has been rapid to be analysed by eye, but there are not enough scientists. There has been rapid progress in working out the exact suqeunce of a tumours's DNA. Profesor Carlos Caldas, from the University of Cambrigde, said: "Future cancer patients will receive treatment targeted  to the genetic fingerprint of their tumour and we hope this exciting project will bring forward the day this becomes a really". Finally, he said: "We're making great progress to understand the genetic reasons cancer develops".

Personal Opinion: 
I think that this idea to aproximate all people to investigate the origins of mutation in the human DNA is very new and interesting. For me, this is the form, in the new XXI century, to advance to discover a cure of cancer and other diseases of the human body. I think that all togheter, ich one with his habilities, we can find solutions to remedy all problems which humanity fought: cancer and the mutations in DNA. Also, in my opinion, biologists and physicians would cooperate with society to give new ideas from their. For this, this idea of the Profesor Carlos Caldas and the University of Cambrigde can be a new rule to investigate cancer and the mutations in DNA based on the opinions of society.   

1 comentari:

  1. This new It's really interesting but for me it's really boring. I don't like the biology and for that I don't like the post
