
dilluns, 25 de febrer del 2013

Oscars 2013

Yesterday, 24 February 2013, the traditional Oscars ceremony did celebrated. This ceremony was an glourious act for all the actors in the world because here, their work can be reward. In that ceremony, all the actors and actresses dress hirself with the best dresses and suits in the world to produce a good looking. Before to begin the ceremony, all people walks on the red carpet with their costumes while photographers are taking photos. While the ceremony happens, the actors, the actresses and the directors of the films are waiting to catch the hoped Oscar. After the ceremony, all the actors who won an Oscar come to the red carpet to takes photos with their award in hands.
This year, the film which win more Oscar was the film Life of Pi, with four awards; and the second films which won more Oscars were Argo and The Miserables, with three award.

Personal opinion:
In my opinion the Oscars ceremony awards is too luxurious for a simple give of an award. I think that in the actual economic situation, the organizers of the ceremony can make the party less expensive and give the money at the cinema industries more poor than Hollywood, for example: the spanish cinema industry.  This action can make more enmity with USA and other cinema industries, consecuently, I think that the new films would be best than the current films. Also, I don't agree with the actual model of deliver of the Oscar awards. I say this because I think that the jury of the ceremony only deliviered films which have more espectators in the same year, but they don't look the quality of films. In conclusion, I think that the Oscars ceremony is good for give awards for the of the actors and the directors, but It's very expensive to do.


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