
divendres, 1 de març del 2013

One experience

The last year, 5 December of 2012, I went to look a game of F.C Barcelona with one of my best friends, Santiago Chavarriaga. We went to Barcelona the day before match because the family of my friend have a big home in the central of city, concretly, in the Passeig de Gràcia. The day of the match, we went to the Camp Nou, field of F.C Barcelona, at 20:45 p.m. We went in this hour because the day of match was Champions League and team played front the Benfica team. The match was unimportant because the team of barcelona was clasified to play the following phase of the competition. Therefore, the players who played the match were infrequently football players, for example: Song, Pinto, Sergi Roberto... But, approximately,  around the minute 70 Leo Messi began to play the match from footstool. But ten minutes after, the goalkeeper of Benfica hurt Messi and the F.C Barcelona emergency came to took the football player to hospital. We had a good time in Camp Nou, but we had worried abou the illness of Leo Messi. It was a great day with a big friend.

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