
diumenge, 24 de febrer del 2013

Oral presentation: New Zealand

Hello, today we will talk about one of the most exotic country in the world, New Zealand. We have chosen this country because we thing that New Zealand is an unknown country and because It is an english speaking country. In this presentation we will explain general stuffs of the country: geography, language, religion, politics and art. Now, I start this presentation asking you one think:

Do you know where is New Zealand? Where?

New Zealand is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The country comprises two big islands and a lot of smaller islands. New Zealand is situated some 1500km east of Australia across the Tasma Sea. Because this remoteness, It was one of the last land to be settled by humans. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington, where live 400.000 people, but the largest city is Auckland, where live 1400000 people.
New Zealand is long and narrow, with approximately 15.200km of coastline and a total land area of 300.000 km.
The South island is the largest landmass of New Zealand. There are 18 peaks over 3000m, the highest of which is Mount Cook. The North Island is less mountanainous but its marked by volcanism.

English is the predominant language in New Zealand, spoken by 90% of people. New Zealand english is similar to Australian English and many speakers from England. The reason of that is because Australia and New Zealand were british colonies for 1770, but nowadays, the two countries are independent since 1 July 1841.
Other language speaking in New Zealand is Maori, spoken by 5% of people. After the Second World War, Maori only has speaken in a few remote areas. Nowadays, It is one of the New Zealand's official languages.
There are many minorities languages spoken in New Zealand. Samoan is one of the minority languages in the country, spoken by 3% of people.
Other languages spoken in New Zealand were: French, Hindi and North Korean, spoken by 2% of people.

Christianity is the predominant religion in New Zealand. The 55% of the population identified them selves as Christians, while another 35% indicated that they hadn't religion, and around 10% of people has other religions: Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish and other.
There are a lot of Christians who identify themselves with the Maori religion, a not official religion.

Most of the major sports played in New Zealand have English origins. Golf, netball, tennis and cricket are the most played for New Zealand people. Soccer is the most popular in the young people and rugby union attracts the most spectators.
New Zealand has competitive international teams in rugby, netball and cricket. New Zealand national rugby union team is the best in the world because it won the rugby league world champion.
Other sports played in New Zealand are: cycling, fishing, swimming, running, tramping and surfing are also populars.


Body language and eye contact (10%)
I don't look my paper during all the presentation because I think that for looking the paper the mark of our presentation would be worse. For this, I don't look paper any moment, but it's true that a lot of times I d'ont speak well because I'm thinking about the words which I will speak. I think my mark is 10 out of 10.
Presentation and structure (20%)
We have done this presentation with a power point, the classical program to do this kind of works. I think that I organized correctly the diferents parts of the presentation (greography, language, food...) with an importance order: starting with the stuff more importants and finishing with the less important things. I think the mark is 20 out of 20.
Content (40%)
We have explained general stuff of the country of New Zealand, but at the same time, we have explained a lot of specific things about the diferents points of the presentation. For example, we have spoken about the predominant language in New Zealand, the English. Also, at the same time, but, we have explain others speaking  languages in the country, for example, the Maori and the Samoan. For this, I think that in this presentation we have explain a lot of general and special stuff of the country at the same time. I hope the mark is 35 out of 40.
Vocabulary and grammar (20%)
I think that I used a good vocabulary and grammar during the presentation. I always tried to use words which we have studied in english class and also, I tried to learn new words in english for do this presentation. Also, I think that my vocabulary was varied and current. I thing the mark is 18 out of 20.
Pronunciation and entonation (10%)
I think that this part of the presentation was the worse of all. I say this because during the presentation I miss with the correct pronunciation of some words. I think that I can improve my pronunciation doing more oral activities and speaking with english speaking people. For this, I think the mark of the pronunciation is bad, 5 out of 10.

Final mark
I think my final mark, doing add of points, wuld be a 8'8. I think the next presentation that I will do, I want to improve my pronunciation and entonation to have the mark of 9. It's my objective for the next presentation.
I don't put the video because It's so long, but I show you these pictures from the power point:

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