
dimarts, 28 de maig del 2013


This is an story about three cientists who discuse the existent of strange things like zombies, UFO's...

- Eduard Punset: Hello Severo, do you agree with my new theory?
- Severo Ochoa: What theory do you mean?
- Punset: Don't you know my theory about the existent of UFO's?!
- Severo: I repeat it for you, NO!
- Punset: My theory is that in the last five years there have been two UFO's in our planet!
- Severo: Bullshit, what are you talking about?
- Punset: I have studied the moviments of UFO's in our planet and now, I believe in them because with my new ultramodern telescop, I can see them!!!
- Severo: I don't believe you, this is impossible! I remenber when my friend Stephen Hopkins and me explored the Earth skies by plane we didn't see anything rare.
- Punset: Jajajajaja, your friend is a idiot because I'm the best cientist in the world. I have the power!
- Severo: If you don't believe me, I will phone my friend Stephen Hopkins.
- Punset: OK, ask him! I want to show you that I'm right.
- Severo: Hello my friend, how are you?
- Stephen Hopkins: I'm fine, what do you want?
- Severo: I'm with Eduard Punset and He says that UFO's exists in our atmosfera, He is idiot!
- Punset: Jajajaja, but you know that I say the true.
- Severo: No, I'm sure that I say the true because the last year me and my friend Stephen went to Mart and we didn't see any intelligent life!!!!
- Punset: What!?!? You don't believe me!!!! I will show you that UFO's exists, because.... I'm a bad alien and I will eat you!!!! Jajajajajaja!!!

I have showed the podcast to you, for this I don't put it in this post.

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