1. Introduction
Hello, my name is Adrià Grabulosa and now I will explain you a
little bite more about the education in Spain. In this presentation I
will explain general and specific stuff about the spanish education.
The general stuff that I will explain you, are: the general education
in Spain and its differents stages. But, the specific stuff that I
will coment you are more interesting: the education cuts in Spain.
Now, I start my presentation showing you a little structure of the
2. Global education
The general definition of education is: Education, in its general
sense, is a form of learning in which skills and knowlegde of a group
of people are transferred from one generation to the next through
teaching, training...
Preschools education is important because It can give a child the
edge in a competitive world giving the fundamentals knowledge, for
example: alphabet, counting, shapes and colors. The education cuts in
preschools affects the children who don't have the opportunity of
learn because theirs families haves economic problems, because they
can't go to nursery with bus or they can't pay it. The children who
have affected by the education cuts in preschool, probably, in their
adolescence will have problems with numbers and writting.
Primary schools
In this stage, the children receives more than the fundamental
knowledges, they receives the principals knowledges to applied theirs
in the secundary schools. For this, the education cuts that children
have in this stage is one of the most important in their lives
because this it's essencial. The stuff that the education cuts have
changed in this stage are: more students in classroom, less teachers
for each student and less money for the primary school.
Secondary schools
The purpose of secundary education can be to give common knowledge,
to prepare for higher education or to train directly in a profession.
The stuff that the education cuts have changed are the same of the
primary school, but the effects on this stage are more decisive than
others because on the secondary education the students learn
knowledges to use them in our society, for this, I think that the
education cuts in the secondary schools will mark the future of the
Higher education
Higher education is taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate
education. Univertisities are the main institutions where you will
study the career that you want. The principal problem that the
eduaction cuts have done in the higher schools is the money increment
of the universities registers. This education cuts is the worse
because the students can't study in universities and they are
The conclusion of my project is that the spanish government is
destroying the education is our country with the education cuts and
It's decreasing the culture of the young spanish people.
Body language and eye contact (10%)
The body language that I utilised during my presentation was good because I have moved my hands and my body to explain all the stuff of power point. I think that my body language doing presentations was good, but the thing that I want to improve is the eye contact with people. But my problema is when I'm looking people during my presentation I get nervous. This is a thing that I get to improve for future presentations. I think my mark is 6 out of 10.
Presentation and structure (20%)
The presentation that I used in my project was the best program for me: Power Point. I think that because It's a good program to do high school presentations and put in a lot of pictures. But, in my opinion, this kind of progam is used to do informal projects, because to do formal projects, for example job interviews, the best program is prezi. For this, I used the power point to do my high school project.
On the other hand, I think that the structure of my presentation was good because I have organized the information in descencing order of importance. I said that because I have organized the different stages of the spanish education in order of time and importance. I think the mark is 15 out of 20.
Content (40%)
I think the content of project is the most important thing. For this, I have thought in an interesting and modern social topic: spanish education and its cuts. You can see up on the text the thinks that I have spoken about my topic. Also, you can watch the video but It's not necessary. I hope the mark is 35 out of 40.
Vocabulary and grammar (20%)
The vocabulary that I used in the presentation was good because I think It's the level that you call for in bachillerat. For this, I have used normal words, but also, I have introduced new words, for example: education cuts, knowledge, undergraduate... I think a project with this caracteristics is the way to improve our oral comunication, but also, is the form to learn news words in english. I thing the mark is 15 out of 20.
Pronunciation and entonation (10%)
I think my pronunciation and entonation is the worse in the class. I don't know the reason of that, but I have to improve this aspect urgently. For this, I think the mark of the pronunciation is bad, 4 out of 10.
Final mark
I think my final mark, doing add of points, would be a 7'5. I think the next presentation that I will do, I want to improve my pronunciation and entonation to have the mark of 8. It's my objective for the next presentation.
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