
diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2012

Adrian Mole & 13

Adrian Mole and Tracy are differents examples of teenagers. Tracy is rebel, irresponsible, and she has bad influences, but Adrian is calm and responsible. But They also have things in common. They have got the same age, their parents have separed, they have family problems and They have new experiences. Tracy is more popular in the school, she smokes, she consume drugs, she has sex... Adrian feels his first love. So, both of them pass through a bad phase. In my opinion, I think that in the book, Adrian explains his problems in a funny way because he talks about his spots, his girlfriend, his “thing”, his sex magazines and other fun stuff. And in the film, the story is more dramatic and cruel, and some scenes have very shocking. If I have to choose between the book and the film, I don't know what would. I think the films is more expressive and makes you look real problems, but I also liked the book because it explained the problems of the adoslescence seen a fun and not so dramatic.

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